ALMA GROUP offers industrial and technological solutions for metering, securing and controlling the fluid transfer
ALMA GROUP provides to its customers industrial and digital solutions and services in terms of operational security, transaction accuracy and compliance. ALMA GROUP markets are diverse in order to fulfill everyone’s needs : oil and other liquid terminals (cryogenic fluids, food or construction), fluid carriers and fuel stations.

More than 50 years of history at your side
Creation of the ALMA company1988
Creation of the EIB company in Guadeloupe, a flexible workshop which is developing and rapidly diversifying towards the installation and maintenance of petroleum fluid transfers1990
Opening of the first ALMA Services agency “to take care of the maintenance and operation of what is manufactured by ALMA or its competitors”, explains Jean-Luc Le Garrec1995
Creation of the GRIZZLI company specializing in on-board computing to optimize the competitiveness of its customers: process improvement, cost control, monitoring of compliance with procedures and fraud prevention1996
Creation of the EMIR company on Reunion Island, which operates in the Indian Ocean area for oil works, from the design to the maintenance of hydrocarbon networks2001/2002
Approval of the ALMA SERVICES network for periodic legal verification2005
Creation of the CARBOVAC brand with dual expertise: the production of Vapor Recovery Units (VRUs) and the maintenance of VRUs from all manufacturers2008
Creation of the LUVEBA company specializing in the fields of maintenance and modernization of URVs and recovery of volatile organic compounds (VOCs)2013/2015
Acquisition of CARBOVAC, LUVEBA and EIB2018/2019
Acquisition of DELIVER UP2021/2022
Key figures
40 countries
international presence
industrial and commercial locations
turbines deployed worldwide
connected vehicles thanks to the IoT
+5 patents
trucks equipped with our solutions
Our focus is on carbon-free energies
Aware of the ecological footprint of our initial activity, we want to become agents of change. So, we are doing our best to reduce our carbon emissions, and in 2021 we started to monitor ourselves with our carbon footprint calculation : this allowed us to move forward on sustainable development.
Our focus is on carbon-free energies
Aware of the ecological footprint of our initial activity, we want to become agents of change. So, we are doing our best to reduce our carbon emissions, and in 2021 we started to monitor ourselves with our carbon footprint calculation : this allowed us to move forward on sustainable development.
Team spirit
Individual talent at the service of the collective
Performance, expertise, quality and efficiency
Human protection and beyond (systems, data, etc.)
Customer satisfaction
Meet and exceed your needs
Moving forward to energy transition!
Diversification and energy transition are part of our strategy, in knowing what is our carbon footprint and how ALMA GROUP could reduce it. This allows us to support our clients who have also started to reduce their environmental impact & carbon emissions. To follow this progress, we are monitoring an Energy Transition Index (E.T.I), which groups all non oil & sustainable energies’ revenues within ALMA GROUP.