Etalcompt avitailleur is on the road (in the air) !

In January 2023, EIB Maintenance&Travaux Pétroliers signed a 3-year contract with GPA (Groupement Pétrolier Avitaillement Fort de France) for the periodic inspection of refuellers at airports in Martinique, French Guiana and Guadeloupe. And to meet this demand, at the end of April 2023, EIB received from ALMA SERVICES (ALMA CARBOVAC) a Master Etalcompt for aircraft refuelers (length 1500mm X width 700mm for a weight of around 200kg).
Designed and customized for air travel between the West Indies and French Guiana, it carries out VPERs and intermediate visits to the various aircraft fuel depots. After starting its tour of the Caribbeans with French Guiana, it continues on in Martinique in July, and then will go to in Guadeloupe in August and for Christmas.