Deliver upTHEY TRUST US !July 06, 2023 NewsDELIVER UP has updated its software and embedded computing for their client CAMPUS île de France. This project was planned over several weeks, so that their fleet can benefit the Demiver Up solutions’ latest features. #france #digitalization #distribution #deliveriestourmanagement...Read more
LuvebaZOOM ON LUVEBAJune 13, 2023 News“Active carbon” mission !Specialized in process maintenance for vapor recovery units (VRUs), LUVEBA S.A. replaces and sets on a new active carbon pack, when this one reaches its life end, or when its adsorption capacity is too low (BWC). For their client’s needs, LUVEBA carries out coal analys...Read more
Deliver upCSR day at Deliver UpJune 13, 2023 NewsYesterday was our CSR day, in the middle of a wineyard in Beaujolais.What we did…. Some segway in the wineyard, some ping pong, some petanque, and some Nintendo switch. It was the perfect time for Deliver Up’s teams to be together and enjoy the great weather we had. #RSE #CSR #DELIVERUP...Read more
Deliver upSUCCESS STORY DELIVER UP !June 13, 2023 NewsExciting project successfully completed with our new client ! We are thrilled to share with you the recent installation carried out at CCD Energies. In close collaboration with Groupe Sigma and MAGYAR SA, we have recently implemented our mobile and web solutions that meet the needs of CCD Energies a...Read more
AlmaSUCCESS STORY ALMA !June 13, 2023 NewsThe Autonomous Flexicompt + a.k.a the star of the show ! On May 17th, 18th and 19th, took place the exhibition of transport and logistics suppliers held by Petrogas Corporation in Cintermex, Monterrey, Mexico. We would like to thank our Mexican partner Petrogas Corporation for having us on their boo...Read more
Deliver upSUCCES STORY DELIVER UP !June 13, 2023 NewsExcellent news ! We are thrilled to welcome GALLIEN SARL as our new client ! Once again, we bring together our expertise in tour management and digitization with MAGYAR SA, a tanker company, and ALMA GROUP Solutions&Services and their metering systems. Let’s take a look back at the install...Read more
AlmaTick tock, it’s soon the departure for our teams !June 13, 2023 NewsEvery year the French Federation of Fuels (FF3C) organizes professional meetings between partners to exchange on energy distribution. And this year it’s in Marrakech that ALMA and DELIVER UP will take this opportunity to talk about our latest products and solutions. #ALMA #DELIVERUP #ALMAGROUP #FF...Read more
EMIMAZOOM CSR in MauritiusJune 13, 2023 NewsLink to the ALMA GROUP CSR policy, EMIMA has added its specific CSR management actions: Initiative n°2: Cleaner Service Vehicles.In order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, maintenance technicians’ vehicles are gradually being replaced by new ones and most important, less polluting models ! #ALM...Read more
AlmaZOOM on the Perou, LATAM, saga, the following …June 12, 2023 NewsThe presence of our sale manager in Mexico enables ALMA to be closer to our other LATAM partners. In this case also, it is easier to participate in exhibitions with our Peruvian partner SURTIDORES and so to be closer to our final clients. Despite a complex political situation, to know in real time r...Read more